Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Home and Personal Security Tips

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Home Security Tips

Basic and simple steps can be taken to increase your home security. It may seem simple but just being conscientious can greatly improve your homes security. Some of the things you should watch out for. When buying any appliance such as a computer or TV do you just throw the box outside? Hmmm I can drive by and see a Plasma screen TV box in your garbage and know you have a new TV. Same thing goes for a computer, stereo, video game and any other item that is easily portable and may be expensive. If the average thief sees you have just gotten new stuff why would they go next door to steal?

That is the final objective here make the criminals move on to the next house and then the next house and so on. Pretty soon they are out of the neighborhood and then out of your town and then out of your state.

Another simple Home security measure is mowing the lawn. Again the thief comes by and sees that the grass is not cut and the newspapers are still on the porch. A thief sees an opportunity. Nobody's home or nobody cares. This is especially important when selling your house or going on vacation. Pay someone to collect your mail and mow your lawn make your house secure by making it looked lived in. People being home means a thief will move on to easier pickings. Thieves are generally lazy they try to make the easy money in the easy way. Don't give them a break.

5 Easy Security Steps
1. Lock your doorsI know I lived where we could leave our doors unlocked too. Our neighbors were welcomed to walk in and the mail man used to leave the mail on the kitchen table and help himself to coffee. Today its a little different. Take the time to lock your doors. So in the future your kids wont have to.
2. Lock the windowsGround level windows and sliding doors are easy to open from the outside. A slightly more motivated thief will check.
3. Leave the lights on.When you go out leave a light on in any room in the house it does not matter. Let the thief hesitate about breaking in. They will move on.
4. Don't leave notes on the door."Hi delivery company I wont be home all day just leave my packages on the back porch." It just makes me think that an average thief might check on the back porch for a package.
5. Report strange things to the police.If you see a strange car driving through the neighborhood several times a day. Report it! If someone is sitting in their car parked on your street for a long time. Report it! A moving van at your neighbors house with no for sale sign. Report it!!Safe is better than Sorry every time. Home security is important to everyone.

Common Sense Security Tips

Simple and effective security is mostly common sense. You would not leave your house with the keys in the door would you? Then why would you leave your keys in your car? With the engine running and you are inside. I know its cold but get an extra key for the door or get a remote starter. Don't make it easy for your car to be taken. Keep your wallet in your pocket and some money in your other pocket. When going to fairs and carnivals don't take your wallet out at every stop. Way to easy for a thief to see what you have and wait for you in a dark alley. Same goes for purses keep some money out so you don't have to open your purse and get out your wallet.
Car Security Tips

Lock your doors sounds like a broken record doesn't it? The best defense is a good offense. If a thief sees your CDs and just has to open the door and reach in don't you think they will? I called the pawn shop just now and asked how much I could get for my old CDS. He said good ones about 5 dollars bad ones about two dollars. So you have 20 CDS in your car a thief just made 80.00 dollars for 30 seconds work. I think I need to change occupations. Please for the sake of whatever you hold dear. Stop leaving your car running and unlocked at the convenience store the post office and in front of friends houses. Three times a week I see this. A thief may only want to take a joyride to the mall to steal CDs but why let that happen in your car?

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