Saturday, November 12, 2022

Restaurant Practical Jokes That turned out Badly.

Jail Was not part of my plan!

Restaurant Practical Jokes That turned out Badly.

Working at a restaurant when I was in my 20s we had 3 cooks and 10 waitresses on Friday nights. This was a high-volume restaurant with about 300 people served on Fridays. I was friends with this waitress we will call her k she and I had been close for some years but never more than that. She was seeing one of the cooks call him H . Anyway, H calls out sick one Friday night knowing that we were all going out after work. Well, we ended up doing all his work and then when we got to the club he was there! He said he just didn’t feel like working, and we were all pissed at him. K was not even speaking to him but I had other ideas. I kept buying shots for him, saying they came from a table full of girls until H was about drunk. He went over to the table I had pointed out and the girls all laughed at him saying they never bought him any shots. I was rolling.

K and I had been dancing and laughing all night and he was mad, then with the shots, he was getting worse so K decided she had enough of him and told him she didn’t want to see him anymore.

He was falling down drunk by this time and we all had to be in by 10am Saturday morning most of us were getting ready to go but H couldn’t find his keys, Because I had them, he left them on the table and I grabbed them earlier. I told him I would drive him home and off we went, I drove around for about 20 mins before he was out. I went back to the club parking lot and dropped him by his car and laid his keys in his hand. The next day we got a call from the sheriff apparently H had woken up and tried to drive home. He needed bail money. Our manager, who I had told the whole story to was pissed at me. He said if you want him to work tonight you bail him out.

I talked to the other cook and we decided that we didn’t need him and went on to do all the prep and cooking that night and for a week until our manager finally hired someone else.K was mad at me too for a few days even though she broke up with him. Eventually, she got over it and we have been married for 10 years.

That Was Not Supposed To Happen!

While working at a fast-food place we decided to play a joke on the owner who yelled at us for arguing all the time. We were forever arguing about something just because, we never really meant it, it was just what we did while working. It didn’t affect our work at all but the owner found it really annoying.

Every day we would find something to argue about, and we would say the opposite of what the other said just to keep going. This infuriated the owner to no end and we loved to see him get so angry.

One time we decided to play a little joke. We had never really fought it was all just fun for us. So, one day we were cleaning the fryers, this involved draining and filtering the oil and then cleaning out the tank where the oil was. We did this by filling it with water and turning the fryer on to boil out the tank.  There was a powder added and after it cooled, we scrubbed it and rinsed it then put the oil back in. So, our bright idea was to fill the tank with water and some yellow food coloring and wait for the owner to show up. We had everything ready and clean but the water in the fryer was cold and looked like fresh oil. We started our act when he came into the kitchen. Arguing about whose turn it was to do the fryer. He was yelling at us just to get it done. When, as we had rehearsed, I grabbed buddy’s (the guy I worked with) neck and shoved his head into the fryer (full of cold water), There was silence for a few seconds and he came out of the water screaming.  The owner was just standing there with his hand over his mouth. It was glorious for about 30 seconds.

The owner grabbed his chest and collapsed, and both of us, seeing this happen ran to him, I started CPR, and Buddy called 911. The police and ambulance came quickly and we were both a bit ashamed while we explained to the police what had happened.

We ended up closing the place that night and we opened and closed for 3 weeks until the owner came back. We ran everything while he was gone and apologized over and over.

He was ok after all and told us he wasn’t mad but never to do anything like that again.

Can't Get Any Work Done Lying On the Floor.

We worked at a restaurant in the mall. The front area was where all the tables were. Took up most of the front space of the unit. In the back were the dish room, Employee break room, Cooler, and freezer. A long hallway led to the outside. We got deliveries almost every day as we had very little storage space. So we would get to work early, about 3 hours before we opened. There would be a tractor-trailer that backed up to the outside door and we would have to transfer our section of the delivery to the hallway and then to the storage areas.

This usually took 6 people but one person, we can call him Dave, was always late. Dave had a million excuses and no one liked him but the store was short of help so the manager kept him on until someone better was found.

We got things like boxes of creamers, cups, straws, covers, napkins, frozen bagels, and assorted restaurant supplies, and the heaviest was boxes of ketchup packets.

The process was 2 people in the truck, you call out what the item is and then drop boxes to 2 people on the floor who then stacked them against the wall in separate piles, and then 2 runners who would take the boxes to their respective areas.

Friday morning comes and Dave is late again, Friday was our biggest delivery since we didn’t get deliveries on Saturday or Sunday.

Dave finally shows up and we are at the bottom of our section where all the heavy items are usually packed.  We put Dave on the floor catching boxes and we were yelling creamers for about 24 boxes. I thought it would be funny to drop a really heavy box instead. I yelled creamers and let fly a box of ketchup packets. The box hit Dave in the chest and sent him to the floor, his head bouncing on the concrete floor. We all had a good laugh until we realized he wasn’t getting up.

He was out cold. Turns out he had a concussion. Not only did we get yelled at for the accident but we had to cover all of Dave’s shifts.

In the end, he never returned to work so we got out point across but almost killed him.

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