Thursday, April 19, 2012

Where Can You Hide Your Valuables to Keep Them Safe?

With home invasions and burglaries constantly making it into the news nowadays, it only makes sense that homeowners are worried about their security and safety more than ever now. After all, homeowners tend to lose a ton of money when their house gets broken into - and that doesn't even include the damages done to the house itself. It gets even worse if some of the family members experience psychological damage because of the event. These feelings can last for a long time, too.
The sad news is that it is actually easy to take proactive steps in order to prevent these home burglaries; people just don't know them. Did you know that home burglaries happen through unlocked windows and doors most of the time? So, why don't people just start locking their doors more? Yes, home security can be extraordinarily simple sometimes. The only problem is that homeowners are sometimes too lazy to practice it and don't take preventative measures, either.
Think about it. Just by making your house seem less attractive to burglars who might be peering through the windows, you could go a long way in protecting your house from a burglary and improving your overall home security. So, for starters, try getting rid of shrubs along your lower-level windows and doors to get rid of potential hiding places or put a sign near your fence with a warning about a guard dog. You don't actually need to have a dog for this. Sometimes, a sign will suffice.
Now, if somebody does make it into your house anyway, do you follow any steps in place to protect all of your valuables? Studies show that burglars usually only spend a maximum of six minutes in a home, so even nimble burglars won't be able to check every potential hiding place for valuables. So, how should you hide yours, then?
Well, believe it or not, hiding them in plain sight is actually he best way to do this. Burglars tend to go for the obvious places like closets and drawers when looking for valuables like jewelry, money and guns, and won't check soda cans, outlets or candles - remember that.
This means that you can hide your valuables in some of these hidden safes in order to keep them secure. Hidden safes like candle safes, outlet safes, soda can safes and brief safes are actually very secure places to keep your valuables in and hide them from burglars and thieves.
The hidden safe spy bolt would be ideal if you have important wads of cash or micro SD cards to hide. An improved and updated version of hollow bolts format he Cold War, this spy bolt allows you to roll cash into wads and hide them from prong eyes. It even has a ring seal for complete weather-proof storage of small communications and valuables. How cool is that?
Check out all of the the other safes available at Spyville, as well, and see whether any of them would fit your personal home security needs perfectly. Happy shopping!

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