Monday, January 2, 2012

Great Home Security Tips for Seniors

In general, the older people get, the lower the risk becomes of them becoming victims of violent crimes. However, this doesn't mean that seniors shouldn't take steps to keep their homes safe. Remember: there are still criminals out there who won't discriminate in terms of breaking into homes - sad but true!
Besides, seniors are usually at a higher risk at becoming victims to financial fraud and scams, which are just as bad as violent crimes - most of all if a lot of money gets stolen from you. So, if you happen to be a senior citizen or know somebody who is one, then you need to take the utmost care and make sure the house is always as safe as possible.
The first thing you need to do is make sure the home is physically safe. For seniors, one great way to do this would be to install a good home security system. Ideally, you should choose one with monitoring features that will alert the authorities in case danger strikes.
It would also be smart to buy a personal mini alarm that people in the house can carry around or get to in case the actual control panel becomes inaccessible. You should also install motion-activated security flood lights around the perimeter of the house to ensure that none of the areas around it are covered in darkness. Fortunately, home security companies like Spyville have all of these systems available in their roster of products.
Other things that you can do include trimming the trees and bushes outside to prevent burglars from finding convenient hiding places. If the house has any sliding doors, make sure a rod is in place to prevent them from being opened too easily. Also, install reliable alarms on all of the doors and windows and ensure they are always turned on as needed.
If you find it absolutely necessary to keep a spare key outside of the house, make sure you don't hide it in obvious places like under the doormat. Although it may be handy to do this, criminals usually know about these common hiding places, so they will be able to find them with ease. Instead, opt for hidden outlet safes, can safes and the like.
Ideally, you should have a neighbor keep your spare key instead or get a hidden safe that only select people know about. A hidden safe would be especially useful in these cases, though, because you'll know you are the only one who knows about it.
Lastly, you should always make it a point to keep all of your financial and personal information private. Remember: even salespeople do not need to know these things. Usually, anyone who tries to sell you an item in exchange for your information will usually be a scammer. Also, if a salesperson ever wants to show you his products, make sure you have somebody in the house with you.
In general, seniors should always make it a point to be independent. However, natural disadvantages do come with age sometimes, so make sure you follow the basic tips mentioned above to ensure that you live a safer life at home.

1 comment:

hidden spy camera said...

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