Monday, August 9, 2010

Nanny Cameras

Nanny cameras are your eyes when you can’t be there. We live in a modern world, working parents are the norm now rather than the exception. Nannies provide invaluable assistance in child care. They allow your children to participate in many more activities and create better social connections. Plus the added benefit of a nanny over just a sitter also relieves you of some shopping and domestic work. Thus allowing you to spend more real time with your children, in some cases parents who work full time, that have a nanny, will spend more personal/ recreational time with their children than in households with one working parent.

Unfortunately the hiring of a nanny, even from a reputable
agency can be nerve racking.
Background checks and references are a must, some people may think it extreme but your children are your most valuable assets and no expense should be spared in ascertaining the truth about someone who will spend some of the formative years with your children.

Nanny cameras are a small but necessary part of the process. A small investment of your time and money can save a world of problems later. Even the best pre employment checks and background checks cannot show you the nanny interacting with your children.  A nanny may have the best record and excellent references but may not provide the type of care you require. Using a hidden camera you will be able to determine actual skills and see the interaction.

You can use a nanny
at the beginning of the nannies employment and then randomly for a few months. Once you are satisfied you may never need to use it again    that is what we all hope for. But in some cases when a child seems upset or distant you may need to implement the hidden camera again to see what the problem may be. It may not be the Nanny at all it could be siblings or even some activity the child is involved in when there is not constant supervision.

Over all a nanny camera or hidden camera will give you peace of mind when dealing with new and unknown situations. Hopefully you will never record anything that causes you concern or see anything that may affect the child’s welfare, but its nice to know if god forbid something does happen you will know right away.

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